Guardian Buddha
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Kokuzo Bosatsu (Sanskrit : Akasagarbha)
Deity of memory & intelligence.
Guardian of people born in the Zodiac Year of the Ox & Tiger.

Kokuzo symbolizes the "vast and boundless" Buddha wisdom that permeates the universe.
In particular, people pray to Kokuzo to improve their memory, technical skills, and artistic talents, for Kokuzo is revered not only as the wisdom-bestowing Bodhisattva, but as the protector of craftspeople and artisans.



kannon senju kokuzo monju fugen seishi dainichi fudo amida
Sho Kannon Bosatsu Monju Bosatsu Seishi Bosatsu Fugen Bosatsu Senju Kannon Bosatsu Dainichi Nyorai Fudo Myo-o Amida Nyorai